Kappa Beta Gamma

Family Picnic 2023


Welcome to the Kappa Beta Gamma family!

Your daughter has relied on her family for advice and support for the past 18 or so years. Going away to college, she is gaining more independence and responsibility. We are excited that you have allowed your daughter the opportunity to share her college experience with us and we look forward to helping her make new friends, find mentors and gain leadership experience.

As a Kappa Beta Gamma, your daughter will:

  • Make new friends and sisters. All of our members share the same pursuit of social, personal and intellectual development.

  • Grow. She will learn to work with others toward a similar goal, serve her sisters and the community, and build relationships with people from all over the country.

  • Gain leadership skills. She will have the opportunity to hold leadership positions at many points in her sorority career. We also have opportunities for leadership after she graduates through our International Alumnae Society.

  • Serve. Each semester, our chapter hosts philanthropy events to benefit the NELA Special Olympics as well as our charity, Bright star ranch. She will interact with people from different backgrounds and be able to grow in compassion and charity.

A Message From Our Vice President

Dear parents,

My name is Janea Brown, and I currently hold the position of Vice President for Kappa Beta Gamma. As a junior majoring in Social Work at ULM, my journey here initially lacked the friendships I anticipated. However, through the New Member Process, I've had the pleasure of meeting amazing girls who have become cherished friends. What I appreciate most about this experience is the boost in confidence and the connections I've formed. I wouldn't exchange it for anything! This sorority is more than just its label, it is a home for people who share an incredibly strong bond and common interest. 


Janea Brown


A Message From Our Secretary

Hello, everyone!

My name is Sarah Ezell , and I currently hold the position of Secretary for Kappa Beta Gamma. As a junior majoring in Psychology at ULM, my journey here initially lacked the friendships I anticipated. However, through the New Member Process, I've had the pleasure of meeting amazing girls who have become cherished friends. What I appreciate most about this experience is the boost in confidence and the connections I've formed. I wouldn't exchange it for anything!

Kind regards,

Sarah Ezell


A Message From Our Treasurer

Hey parents,

My name is Madison Shipp and I am the treasure KBG! I don’t want to lie and say that my time here has been perfect. Everyone has their hardships and so does KBG. But one thing I will say is through all of these hard times I have learned about friendship, loyalty, forgiveness, sisterhood and so much more. I love my sisters and my chapter. I believe a person is not able to grow and flourish unless there has been some struggles in life and in KBG I have not only grown as a person I have grown as a sister. I love my chapter and wouldn’t change anything for the world.


Madison Shipp


A Message From Our National Liason


A Message From Our New Member Educator

Dear Parents, 

My name is Piper Cottrell and I am the current New Member Educator. Kappa Beta Gamma has provided me with a safe place where I know I could always be myself. We connect through our differences and share a love unlike any other. I know through any circumstance my sisters will have my back and support me endlessly. Everyone brings something different to the table, which is what I admire about Kappa Beta Gamma. We embrace our differences and use them to make a difference in the community and on our campus. 


Piper Cottrell